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Reef bundle (spectrum suitable for corals)

Ideal spectra are especially desired in marine water aquariums due to the demands of corals. This bundle (controller board and LEDs) was designed to offer a very wide blue spectrum along with a high UV ratio to stimulate the fluorescing effect in corals. The optimum illuminable area per bundle is around 60cm * 60cm.


Using this simulation you can also try different other LED configurations. Your goal would be to minimize gaps. Please note that in practice there will be minor deviations due to component tolerances. As a default (when refreshing this page) the reef bundle configuration and recommended dimming is loaded.

LED types, counts and dimming:

pc(s) LED warm white 10W (~3000K)

pc(s) LED pure white 10W (~6000K)

pc(s) LED cold white 10W (~20000K)

pc(s) LED royal blue 10W (~445nm)

pc(s) LED blue 10W (~470nm)

pc(s) LED CVU 20W
Cyan (~490nm)
Violet (~420nm)
UV (~380nm & 400nm)

pc(s) LED RGB 20W
Deep red (~660nm & 730nm)
Green (~520nm)
Blue (~470nm)

This configuration needs 1pc CoolTWILED and pc(s) CoolTWILED SLAVEPLUS.
Resulting power: ~W.

Prices, included parts and LED configuration

The reef bundle includes CoolTWILED 3.x and LEDs for fish tanks: Each 2pcs 10W pure white, cold white, royal blue, blue, 20W RGB and CVU.

  • DIY kit CoolTWILED 3.x “Reef”: 199 EUR plus shipping.
  • DIY kit CoolTWILED 3.x SLAVEPLUS “Reef”: 179 EUR plus shipping

For all bundles we will configure and test each LED port current accordingly.

A: 1000 mA (2pcs 10W pure white)
B: 1000 mA (2pcs 10W cold white)
C: 1000 mA (2pcs 10W royal blue)
D: 1000 mA (2pcs 10W blue)
E: 1000 mA (not used)
F: 1000 mA (not used)
G: 700 mA (2pcs 20W CVU: Cyan)
H: 700 mA (2pcs 20W CVU: Violet)
I: 700 mA (2pcs 20W CVU: UV)
J: 700 mA (2pcs 20W RGB: Deep red)
K: 700 mA (2pcs 20W RGB: Green)
L: 700 mA (2pcs 20W RGB: Blue)


Either contact us via email or just use the option below. The bundle is in stock and can be shipped right away. Please make sure your shipping address is correct.

The price given here also includes a 20x4 display and the shipping costs:

Video and pictures

This video originates from Example 73, where you can find more pictures:



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